Linear optimization problem bounty

This contract implements a bounty for solving linear optimization problems.

An example problem is defined in the contracts _calculateNewSolution(x1: uint256, x2: uint256) method:

def _calculateNewSolution(_x1: uint256, _x2: uint256) -> uint256:
    assert x1 <= 40
    assert x2 <= 35
    assert (3 * x1) + (2 * x2) <= 200
    assert x1 + x2 <= 120
    assert x1 > 0 and x2 > 0
    # calculate and return new solution
    return (4 * x1) + (6 * x2)

How it works

Users can submit solutions using the submitSolution(_x1: uint256, _x2: uint256) method. The contract checks the submitted values against the problems constraints and saves/rejects them depending on whether the solution respects all of them. When the end of the competition is reached, the address that submitted the best solution can call claimBounty() to claim the Ether that is locked in the contract.

Implementation in Vyper

Truffle Project



# Author: Sören Steiger,
# License: MIT

NewSolutionFound: event({_addressOfWinner: indexed(address), _solution: uint256})
BountyTransferred: event({_to: indexed(address), _amount: wei_value})
BountyIncreased: event({_amount: wei_value})
CompetitionTimeExtended: event({_to: uint256})

owner: public(address)

x1: public(uint256)
x2: public(uint256)

bestSolution: public(uint256)
addressOfWinner: public(address)

durationInBlocks: public(uint256)
competitionEnd: public(uint256)
claimPeriodeLength: public(uint256)

def __init__(_durationInBlocks: uint256):
    self.owner = msg.sender
    self.bestSolution = 0
    self.durationInBlocks = _durationInBlocks
    self.competitionEnd = block.number + _durationInBlocks
    self.addressOfWinner = ZERO_ADDRESS
    # set claim periode to three days
    # assuming an average blocktime of 14 seconds -> 86400/14
    self.claimPeriodeLength = 6172

def __default__():
    # return any funds sent to the contract address directly
    send(msg.sender, msg.value)

def _calculateNewSolution(_x1: uint256, _x2: uint256) -> uint256:
    # check new parameters against constraints
    assert _x1 <= 8
    assert _x2 <= 12
    assert (3 * _x1) + (2 * _x2) <= 100
    assert _x1 + _x2 <= 24
    assert _x1 > 0 and _x2 > 0
    # calculate and return new solution
    return (3 * _x1) + (2 * _x2)

def submitSolution(_x1: uint256, _x2: uint256) -> uint256:
    newSolution: uint256
    newSolution = self._calculateNewSolution(_x1, _x2)
    assert newSolution > self.bestSolution
    # save the solution and it's values
    self.x1 = _x1
    self.x2 = _x2
    self.bestSolution = newSolution
    self.addressOfWinner = msg.sender
    log.NewSolutionFound(msg.sender, newSolution)
    return newSolution

def claimBounty():
    assert block.number > self.competitionEnd
    if (self.addressOfWinner == ZERO_ADDRESS):
        # no solution was found -> extend duration of competition
        self.competitionEnd = block.number + self.durationInBlocks
        assert block.number < (self.competitionEnd + self.claimPeriodeLength)
        assert msg.sender == self.addressOfWinner
        send(self.addressOfWinner, self.balance)
        # extend duration of competition
        self.competitionEnd = block.number + self.durationInBlocks
        log.BountyTransferred(self.addressOfWinner, self.balance)

def topUpBounty():

def extendCompetition():
    # only if no valid solution has been submitted
    assert self.addressOfWinner == ZERO_ADDRESS
    assert block.number > (self.competitionEnd + self.claimPeriodeLength)
    # extend duration of competition
    self.competitionEnd = block.number + self.durationInBlocks
    # reset winner address
    self.addressOfWinner = ZERO_ADDRESS

Last updated