This wallet contract is capable of receiving, holding and sending Ether as well as tokens that comply with one of the following standards:
Copy # Author: Sören Steiger,
# License: MIT
contract ERC1820Registry:
def setInterfaceImplementer(
_addr: address,
_interfaceHash: bytes32,
_implementer: address
): modifying
contract ERC20Token:
def transfer(
_to: address,
_value: uint256
) -> bool: modifying
contract ERC721Token:
def safeTransferFrom(
_from: address,
_to: address,
_tokenId: uint256,
_data: bytes[256]
): modifying
contract ERC777Token:
def send(
_to: address,
_amount: uint256,
_data: bytes[256]
): modifying
ETHReceived: event({
_from: address,
_amount: wei_value
ETHSent: event({
_to: address,
_amount: uint256
#ERC20Received: event({
ERC20Sent: event({
_token: address,
_to: address,
_amount: uint256
ERC721Received: event({
_token: address,
_from: address,
_tokenId: uint256,
_data: bytes32
ERC721Sent: event({
_token: address,
_from: address,
_to: address,
_tokenId: uint256,
_data: bytes[256]
ERC777Received: event({
_operator: indexed(address),
_from: indexed(address),
_to: indexed(address),
_amount: uint256,
_data: bytes[256],
_operatorData: bytes[256]
ERC777Sent: event({
_operator: indexed(address),
_from: indexed(address),
_to: indexed(address),
_amount: uint256,
_data: bytes[256],
_operatorData: bytes[256]
erc1820Registry: ERC1820Registry
erc1820RegistryAddress: constant(address) = 0x1820a4B7618BdE71Dce8cdc73aAB6C95905faD24
owner: public(address)
def __init__():
self.owner = msg.sender
self.erc1820Registry = ERC1820Registry(erc1820RegistryAddress)
self.erc1820Registry.setInterfaceImplementer(self, keccak256("ERC777TokensRecipient"), self)
self.erc1820Registry.setInterfaceImplementer(self, keccak256("ERC777TokensSender"), self)
# ----- ETH -----
def __default__():
log.ETHReceived(msg.sender, msg.value)
def sendETH(
_to: address,
_amount: uint256
assert msg.sender == self.owner
send(_to, _amount)
log.ETHSent(_to, _amount)
# ----- ERC20 -----
def sendERC20(
_token: address,
_to: address,
_amount: uint256
assert msg.sender == self.owner
ERC20Token(_token).transfer(_to, _amount)
log.ERC20Sent(_token, _to, _amount)
#def onERC20Received():
# ----- ERC721 -----
def sendERC721(
_token: address,
_to: address,
_tokenId: uint256,
_data: bytes[256]=""
assert msg.sender == self.owner
ERC721Token(_token).safeTransferFrom(self, _to, _tokenId, _data)
log.ERC721Sent(_token, self, _to, _tokenId, _data)
def onERC721Received(
_token: address,
_from: address,
_tokenId: uint256,
_data: bytes32
) -> bytes32:
log.ERC721Received(_token, _from, _tokenId, _data)
# TODO: need to return bytes4
return keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)")
# ----- ERC777 -----
def sendERC777(
_token: address,
_to: address,
_amount: uint256,
_data: bytes[256]=""
assert msg.sender == self.owner
ERC777Token(_token).send(_to, _amount, _data)
def tokensToSend(
_operator: address,
_from: address,
_to: address,
_amount: uint256,
_data: bytes[256],
_operatorData: bytes[256]
log.ERC777Sent(_operator, _from, _to, _amount, _data, _operatorData)
def tokensReceived(
_operator: address,
_from: address,
_to: address,
_amount: uint256,
_data: bytes[256],
_operatorData: bytes[256]
log.ERC777Received(_operator, _from, _to, _amount, _data, _operatorData)